CV Checking Service

As a renowned recruiter of planners across all levels and sectors, our experienced Planning Manager can provide assistance with your CV from a unique perspective.

Has a poor CV prevented good people getting the job they want and deserve?

Most certainly!

Why do these CV's fail?

  • Too Long
  • Boring
  • Irrelevant information
These are just a few examples of poor CV's

How can we help you?

Using our Planning Manager's experience of reading CV's to read yours we can point you in the right direction.

Isn't that what recruitment agencies do?

Unfortunately, some construction recruitment consultants have not worked in construction and are not able to help the candidate develop their CV to sell themselves. This is where we come in, our experience in reading CV's can be used by you to get your one right.

We offer three levels of service along with a comprehensive guidance on interview preparation

Bronze CV Checking Package £25.00

CV Curriculum vitae checking service

Level of Service

We will read your CV word for word and return a list of pointers where you can improve the content by adding or omitting elements and sequencing / flow. This will allow you to develop your CV with your own personality.


Silver CV Checking Package £35.00

CV Curriculum vitae checking service

Level of Service

We read your CV and return constructive criticism on how to develop the CV to appeal to employers. This covers setting out, sequencing and in depth guidance on producing a good CV. Allowing you to develop a CV with your personality intact.


Gold CV Checking Package £100.00

CV Curriculum vitae checking service

Level of Service

This is a complete CV package, we will help you tailor your CV for a specific job opportunity and make it stand out to the reader. If you have no experience of CV writing we will guide you through the process to developing a good CV.


Interview Guidance Package £25.00

CV Curriculum vitae checking service & interview preparation

Level of Service

We see many people who lose the at the interview. Your CV has opened the door then you let yourself down when you come face to face with your prospective boss. We will provide pointers and ideas on how you can sell yourself in the interview.



Bronze Package Released

Aimed at people entering the job market after a long period of employment who are happy with their initial effort but requiring a little bit of guidance.

Response Times

We aim to respond within 5 days of receipt of CV. If a quicker turnaround is required please contact us for an estimate.

CV Curriculum vitae checking service